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Genetic Algorithm

Published on Thursday, 23 March, 2017 Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms used often in computer science and operations research is a metaheuristic inspired by Darwinian natural selection. They tend to fall under the larger family of evolutionary algorithms (EA). Genetic Algorithms are great at traversing a solution space quickly. Genetic Algorithm generates a candidate solution and then tests it against a metric. GA are stochastic and population based utilizing variation operators (recombination and mutation) to create the necessary variety and to bring up novelty. Selection reduces the diversity and acts as a force pushing quality.

Components of Evolutionary Algorithm

Toy Example

We will easily apply these techniques to guessing a sentence example.

Begin with a sequence of letters and then we will continue to mutate one random letter at a time until the sequence turns into the target "Genetic Algorithm!"

    gene_set = "    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!."
    target = "Genetic Algorithm!"

Generate a random string from the gene set.

    def generate_parent(length, geneSet):
    genes = []
    while len(genes) < length:
        sampleSize = min(length - len(genes), len(geneSet))
        genes.extend(random.sample(geneSet, sampleSize))
    genes = ''.join(genes)
    return genes

The creates a feedback mechanicism to guide the algorithm toward a solution.

def get_fitness(guess):
  return sum(1 for expected, actual in zip(target,guess)
          if expected ==actual)

    def mutate(parent):
        index = random.randrange(0,len(parent))
        childGenes = list(parent)
        newGene, alternate = random.sample(gene_set,2)
        childGenes[index] = alternate if newGene ==childGenes[index] else newGene
        return ''.join(childGenes)

    def display(guess):
        timeDiff = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
        fitness = get_fitness(guess)

    bestParent = generate_parent(len(target),gene_set)
    bestFitness = get_fitness(bestParent)

    while True:
        child = mutate(bestParent) 
        childFitness = get_fitness(child) 
        if bestFitness >= childFitness:
        if childFitness >= len(bestParent):
        bestFitness = childFitness
        bestParent = child


u. LSVJFIlzmWqGHft  1   0:00:00.300956
u. LSVJFIlzmWqGhft  2   0:00:00.303305
u. LSVJ IlzmWqGhft  3   0:00:00.303852
u. LSVJ IlzmWqthft  4   0:00:00.305289
u. LSVJ AlzmWqthft  5   0:00:00.305701
u. LSVJ AlzmWithft  6   0:00:00.305891
u. LSVJ AlgmWithft  7   0:00:00.307354
G. LSVJ AlgmWithft  8   0:00:00.308935
G. LSiJ AlgmWithft  9   0:00:00.309484
G. LSiJ AlgmWithmt  10  0:00:00.309966
G. LtiJ AlgmWithmt  11  0:00:00.311926
G. LtiJ AlgmWithm!  12  0:00:00.316447
G. Ltic AlgmWithm!  13  0:00:00.317495
G. Ltic AlgoWithm!  14  0:00:00.325253
Ge Ltic AlgoWithm!  15  0:00:00.328090
Ge etic AlgoWithm!  16  0:00:00.331757
Ge etic Algorithm!  17  0:00:00.336659
Genetic Algorithm!  18  0:00:00.340102

Harder Problem

